My Spirited Child is a Challenge 

I know I haven’t written anything in a while. My house is always buzzing with activity. Can you believe Itty Bitty is almost a year old? I can’t. She is still so.. Itty Bitty. She is on the verge of walking. However, she is extraordinarily stubborn. She will not let you hold her hands to help her walk. She wants no part of that. She does walk along holding onto furniture. The kids are all busy doing their thing. My husband and I have been fixing up our house. I have recently become super obsessed with Matilda Jane Clothing line. It’s an expensive obsession. The quality is well worth it. With us fixing up our house I have somehow tripped over Joanna Gaines Magnolia Collection. Oh. My. Goodness. I guess I’ve been hiding out under a rock. She is amazing. I love her collection of “stuff”. And her line with Matilda Jane is so cute. Anyways, Little Man, my Spirited one, is having behavior/communication issues. It sucks. I feel like I’m alone on this one, but I am pretty sure I’m not. As a parent, I want to do everything to help him. So…we have decided to do Speech Therapy for him. Because honestly, I maybe a champ at charades but sometimes I have no idea what he is saying. We are praying this will help with the behavior problems. He has started throwing temper tantrums, kicking/hitting friends at school and teachers. Yeah. I’ve got to do something. This is not okay. His teachers, my husband, & I all feel it’s stemming from no one is really able to understand what he is saying. So he’s acting out because he is frustrated. If anyone has some positive pointers, I welcome them. When I drop him off at school, I now say a prayer that they won’t call me to tell me he’s irate to come pick him up. I’m going back to work soon. I can’t just leave work and pick him up. So hopefully, doing Speech Therapy will be very positive for him. 

Little Man attends Primrose School. I absolutely love this school. Little O went there for Pre-K and is now testing 60% above average for Kindergarten. Now I do feel like we have jumped the gun on Little Man by putting him in Preschool. I now feel Early Preschool would’ve been a better option. It’s all trial and error. He is the youngest kid in his class. However, he will probably remain in Preschool for one more year, due to his birthday. He won’t start Kindergarten until he is almost 6 years old. I know next school year he probably won’t be ready for Pre-K. He’s a sweet little boy. I love him dearly. Sometimes he drives me nuts. He is definitely a challenge. I praying we get the Speech Therapy underway so that maybe the behavior problems subside. Any prayers are appreciated. 

On a side note, Halloween my favorite time of year has come and gone. Thanksgiving is near. It’s my cooking Olympics. And Itty Bitty’s first birthday. My oldest will be home from college.  Hopefully all the kids will be here. I’m going to try to do better about blogging. Until we meet again, thanks for reading a snapshot in my life. 


Where to Begin…

So much has happened since the last time I blogged. The school year is upon us. I will have a college freshman, a senior in high school, a junior in high school, a freshman in high school, a kindergartener, and a preschooler. Itty Bitty will be hanging with me for a little while. I am planning on going back to work after or a little before Itty Bitty turns one. After that she will be in daycare at the same place Little Man will be going. 

Right now I am Day 3 on potty training Little Man and guess what? It is way easier than when I potty trained Little O. Now he hasn’t pooped in the potty yet, but we are heading in the right direction. He lets me know when he needs to pee. I’m okay with this. He loves wearing underwear. Bonus points. So I am in the home stretch of having just one in diapers. I’m seriously jumping for joy. 

In 3 weeks I will be moving my oldest into his dorm room. This is sad and exciting for me. Sad because he’s no longer my little guy, he’s a grown man. Excited because this is a big step and a huge transition. And yes, I worry. But I know this is all apart of growing up. Mr. C will be a senior and then he will be enlisting in the army. I’m excited and scared for him. I know this is the path he has been working towards. Poo Bear is now working and will be starting his junior year in high school. He’s currently saving up to go to Italy the summer of his senior year. This is a big opportunity for him. I always wanted to go overseas. It’s on my bucket list. One day. Now Princess Dingus will be a freshman in high school. She has been doing band camp this whole week and did I mention it’s all outside and we’ve had record highs. Basically, it’s been way over 100 degrees.  And she loves the marching band aspect of it. High school will be all new for her. I am praying she does well and will love high school. Like I’ve told all them, high school is what you make of it. Little O will begin her journey into kindergarten. I have no doubt she will do great things. She went to Pre-K to get prepared, I’m praying it pays off. Little Man is starting early Preschool due to his age (his birthday is in September) he will probably be the biggest kid in his class. But I am so hoping he will do fine and not get trouble on the daily. Itty Bitty is cute as ever. She is now crawling and pulling up. She loves to eat (thank God). However, she is only in the 6% for weight. And in 56% for height. I’ll know in September if those numbers have changed. I really hope they do. She now will take a bottle when she goes to my mother in laws, which makes me happy. My husband was just on vacation last week. It was wonderful. We went out of town just the two of us. It was so needed and nice. I missed my little ones, but enjoyed just my husband company. I recommend it to everyone. We didn’t go the beach or anywhere cool like that, but we went to the mountains. It was lovely. 

The reason I’m going back to work is not because I want to. It’s because I’m ready to move forward for our family. We want to buy a house. Actually, we want to build a house. In order to do that I need to go back to work. Yes, I will be basically working to put my little ones in preschool and daycare. But for paper purposes, this has to happen. I’m kinda excited to be around adults all day. I’ll miss my little ones and being around them all day. But it will be nice to have a change of scenery. I’ll be blogging our journey once it really starts. I just realized that I’ve been drugfree for 8 years now, I am amazed and so very happy in the direction my life is at now. So now your up to speed in what’s going on in our family. It’s going to be crazy in August. And we also have a ton of birthdays upon us as well.

Thanks for reading a snapshot in my life. 


Birthday’s, Graduation’s, and Sicknesses

Where do I start? Little O turned 5. It was a great birthday for her she shared it her friends and family. My son Poo Bear is now 16 and employed. My oldest son graduated high school. We have freshman orientation for college in a few weeks. My nervous and excited for him. He also started a new job. Little O graduated Pre-K and I have registered her for Kindergarten. I’ve registered Little Man to start Preschool in the fall. Itty Bitty is 6 months old and on the verge of crawling. She can sit up without help and she is eating baby food now. At her 6 month doctor appointment she is now in 5% for weight and 56% for height.. we are finally moving in the right direction. After all of this we (I mean the little ones and I) came down with the stomach bug. I think it’s safe to say I’ve lost over 10lbs in 1 day. It was terrible. Little O and I were both sick at the same time. My awesome MIL came and picked up the younger two. I couldn’t take care of them. Little Man came down with it Wednesday but was better the next day.. he passed it to me and O. My mother caught it sometime Friday and still has it. Princess Z went to my brother’s house with it. Keeping my fingers crossed they don’t get it. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Seriously. Itty Bitty may have had a touch of it, she threw up 2x. She’s now willing to eat food today. I’ve been super dehydrated. Drinking Gatorade and water like a mad man only to go pee 2x in a day. Today I feel almost 100%. I’m keeping it short today. As I still have rooms to disinfect and laundry to catch up on. My kitchen is finally very clean again. My life is going at the speed of light and for right now, it has slowed down just a bit. 

Thanks for reading a snap shot in my life. 


I’m a Believer!!! 

You know how you get unwanted advice from people who really have no clue of what they are talking about? I get it a lot. I’m nice & gracious about it. Even though in my head I’m saying pretty much saying go f*ck hit me up on day that I am battling with Little Man who happens to be a glorious 2 years old, I will probably tell you were you can take your unwanted advice. Yes, I know people mean well, that’s why keep comments to myself or mumble thank you. With all 5 of my older kids I never believed in the “terrible twos”.. well folks I had a revelation.. I’m a believer! You read that right. Little Man is a walking disaster & terror with a dash of sweetness. And with having a newborn in the house.. it’s gotten worse. Everyone keeps telling me “he’s all boy”. No kidding. I’ve been around 3 boys prior to Little Man, Poo Bear is the closest one that was like Little Man. He got into everything too.. and has been to the ER more than the other kids (stitches above the eye & broken arm). 

Little Man gets into everything. Every. Thing. My purse is his favorite. The “junk drawer” that’s a catch all in the kitchen is pretty close behind. Then not far behind that is the drawer in my bedroom. I’ve now had to start locking Princess Z’s bedroom when she isn’t home. He enjoys her jewelry box & make-up. *sigh* Little Man has managed to destroy 3-4 ornaments the kids have made me over the years, you know, the irreplaceable ones. Maybe it’s the baby hormones, but that made me cry. And I don’t consider myself a very emotional person. 

I feel like Baby A is getting the short end of  the straw. I’m constantly having to put her down to clean a mess or referee Little Man & O. I’m extremely happy she’s pretty laid back & is great sleeper. I still would love to just cuddle her & enjoy her being a baby. Little Man tends to get into everything while I am nursing her. I’ve tried using my Moby wrap with her.. she’s not a big fan. Baby A is still too small to go in my ErgoBaby.. I can’t see paying $25 for an insert she will use for like 2 months or until she’s 12lbs. Yes, I know they have a new ErgoBaby that can go from newborn to 45lbs.. but I already have one that I spent $120 on.. I feel terrible for my girl. 

Today has been terrible. Going out anywhere is a nightmare. It’s like I am forced to be at home because my child acts terrible while we are out & at home. Today Little Man has done everything he possibly can. Dinner was the grand finale. I walked into the kitchen.. chicken nuggets all over the floor by the kitchen table, tater tots all over the floor & the wall.. why? I’ll never know.  And just when I thought that was it.. he almost broke a lamp. This lamp should’ve broke, it’s glass. But it didn’t. It’s like how many licks to the center of Tootsie Pop? The world may never know. 

I love my Little Man, I really do. I am starting to chalk it up as.. he’s still adjusting to having a younger sibling. And like all things, this too will pass. I know I need to work on patience, because he’s wearing it pretty thin. One day, I will wish he would still want to hang out with his mom. I rarely see my 18 year old. Patience & understanding is what I see I will work on this year. Lots of things happening. 

As for Baby A.. she has started smiling when you talk to her and she is not quite a bobble head anymore (she has more control of her head) she will be 2 months old soon.. that really doesn’t seem possible, but it is. I am still trying to learn to juggle how to care for a newborn, toddler, child, teenagers, & my marriage.. it’s not for the weak. I’m taking it one day at a time. That really all I can do. And any & all prayers are welcome. 

Thanks for reading a snapshot of my life. 


The Baby is Here!!!! 

I finally gave birth. I wanted to blog about the experience while it was happening.. but it happened relatively fast. Let me give you the play by play:

6am: wake up because I thought my water broke. Nope. Almost peed myself. 

7am: get 4 year old up to get ready for school. Make her breakfast, fix her hair, brush her teeth. While she is eatint I get ready for my doctor’s appointment. 

8am: take 4 year old to school

9am: come home to get my husband. Leaving my 2 year old in the care of my 18 year old. 

9:30am: I think my water broke, but unsure. It was barely trickling out. Go to the bathroom like 3x.. Yep, my water broke. Call doctor was told to head to the hospital. I’m in zero pain at this point. 

I take one last selfie of me & pregnant belly. 

10:30am: I finally leave the house.. but I spy a Starbucks. Coffee & breakfast sound really good. Why not? 
11am: having coffee & breakfast with my husband. And I’m also wearing a pad that is catching all the “water” I’m losing. 

11:30am: arrive at the hospital

Our arrival at the hospital. 

12:45pm: I’m finally in triage. And yes, they confirmed, my water broke. I crack jokes with my nurse… because that’s what I do when I’m nervous. She asked me if I had taken or thought about taking drugs or alcohol during my pregnancy.. I told her does it count that I go to the grocery store smelling & holding bottles of wine?  I guess I was good..

1:30pm: I’m in my labor/delivery room. My doctor shows up & checks me.. I’m dilated at 4.. then he said he wants to release the rest of the water.. when he showed me the long plastic hook.. I was terrified. And at this point I hadn’t had an epidural. Getting checked & popping of the bag. One word: painful. 

2pm: I was excited to find Food Network (my favorite channel) I watched a marathon of Pros vs Cons. And my nurse was like.. how can you watch food? Aren’t you hungry? No. I didn’t mention my breakfast. 

2:30pm: contractions are 2-3 minutes apart. They are getting stronger & more painful. My nurse checks on me.. I request an anesthesiologist. 

2:45pm: anesthesiologist shows up. Now this epidural was a little more complicated. He hit blood vessel & basically had to start over. And yes, very painful. And did I mention, I was having strong contractions during this process?? 

3:05pm: epidural is in. I decide to take a nap. Why not? I was finally numb from the waste down… kinda 

4:00pm: I tell the nurse I feel frequent pressure.. like I need to poop. She checks me.. I’m dilated at 9.5. My husband had went to get him a snack. I had to text him to get back to the room.. it’s almost show time. 

4:45pm: my doctor shows up & says whatever you do don’t push yet.. he had to get everyone in the room & get everything set up. 

5:00pm: I’m pushing. (My husband informs me I pooped on the doctor.. oops.. a thousand apologies.. seriously.) 

5:06pm: THE BABY IS HERE!! It’s a GIRL!! (As you remember we had no idea what we were having.. and yes, it was the coolest thing ever!)

Our girl! Princess A! 

7:30pm: go to recovery room.. I actually walked there. 

We are so over joyed! I went home the day after I had her. My husband slept terribly on the fold out sofa.. plus, we just wanted to go home as long as all was well with the baby (which it was, all labs came back great). And on the way home, I noticed how many folks were out shopping on Thanksgiving.. I’m good. This is the first year I didn’t even do Black Friday shopping online ( I don’t do well with crowds so I don’t even go out). It’s been transition getting used to a new baby. Everyone is in love with her.. my 2 year old was little hesitate about her. But he’s warming up to her. My cat didn’t know what to think when I brought her home. But now, my cat just ignores her. 

My little Princess A is awesome. She let me sleep until 5:30am this morning. Not sure if that’s considered all night yet or not?? She basically just eat, sleeps, & poops… for now. 

Thanks for reading a snapshot in my life. 


Today’s the Day.. No Wait the Estimated Day..

Today I am 41 weeks pregnant. Full term. To most it’s evection day, for me it’s let’s see how long the doctor will let me go. I am dilated 2 and sitting low. No thinning of the cervix as of last Wednesday. Basically, I’m ticking bomb.. water could break anytime. Am I scared? Yes. Nervous? Yes. I’ve heard so many tell me “your veteran at this”.. that maybe true, but it’s still quite terrifying. I’ve got another human inside me & it’s ultimately depending on me. Just like my 2 year old who could care less that I’m pregnant. There is still so much for me to do. And guess what? I don’t feel like doing any of it or anything. My teenagers could careless I’m pregnant. My 18 year old especially. He’s more wrapped up in himself. But that’s whole other story. I was informed by my 15 year old that all I do is take naps & go shopping. I laughed until I almost cried. I wish I could take a nap, hell, I wish I could sleep at night. I average about 3-4 hours a sleep a night, I guess I’m getting ready for a newborn. And shopping? Um no thanks. 

Have I packed a bag for the hospital? Yes. I finally did last Monday, when I was 40 weeks. So my bag is actually ready. I guess I should probably get my Little Man’s bag ready. I will most likely have to take him with me. I don’t have anyone willing to watch him. The older kids hate watching him.. and I would say “they have to” but, I had them watch him Saturday.. and I think he sat in a poopy diaper for 3 hours. So it’s another thing to add anxiety to..

Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to meet this little human.. and not be pregnant anymore.. Wine has been calling to me everytime I grocery shop & I have to ignore it. The liquor store calls out to me too.. but it’s on the ignore for a long while (I will be breastfeeding). I’ve even been craving some Angry Orchard… And in the middle of all this I am also trying to sell our house in Nashville. That in itself has been stressful. Trying to get repairs done, clean the house, get the rest of our stuff out.. we’ve had 3 contracts fall through. But we currently have a new one. So here’s hoping this one is “the one”. Stomach flu hit our house about 2-3 weeks ago.. that was fun. Said no one ever. I didn’t catch it, but my little ones did. Which is just as bad. Diarrhea & Vomit-fest yay! (Not really)

We had Early Thanksgiving on Sunday. I am actually pretty proud of it. My husband & I made everything from scratch (no box made or cans were involved). It actually wasn’t that hard. It was a bit more time consuming.. but not as much as you would think. I brined the turkey the day before. My husband smoked the turkey for 2.5 hours (yes, that’s all it took) and he smoked the ham for 2.5 hours as well. I made the cornbread dressing (first time I have ever made a from scratch cornbread. I usually buy some Jiffy), mac & cheese (make sure you have a food processor to grate your 1lb of cheddar cheese, it cuts the time drastically), roasted sweet potatoes & apples, green bean casserole, sour cream & bacon deviled eggs, and my husband & I made a from scratch pumpkin pie (we used 2 pumpkins that O got from the pumpkin patch, this was also a first) and honestly.. it tasted better than the usual pumpkin pie. Everything turned good! 

Now just waiting on the baby to make a grand entrance. I guess on Thursday we may actually do some Christmas shopping. Well.. maybe. I can’t really make any plans. But I do know on Friday you will not see me near a mall, Target, or Walmart. I will be at home (maybe?) shopping in my pj’s.. 

As most of you sit down Thursday to give Thanks, remember there is always something to be thankful for. I am forever thankful for my family, friends, & health. And please if you go shopping on Black Friday.. remember the things you were thankful for on Thursday before you push someone out of your way to grab a gift off a shelf, etc.. 

Thanks for reading a snapshot in my life! And Happy Thanksgiving!


I’m Just Not That Mom..

My 13 year old daughter asked me when she could get a phone, my response was when you start driving. I’m sorry, for our family she doesn’t need one right now. I’m not saying your 6, 7, or 8 year old doesn’t need one. My 15 year old son doesn’t have a phone. He proved he is not responsible enough to have one. Hell, my 13 year old believes everything she reads online, so now her internet time has been cut in half. 

We don’t really buy organic. We used to. With a family our size, it’s not economical. I don’t think I should spend every dime I have to Whole Foods. I’ve been seeing online how mom’s made their baby’s food, by the second child they are eating McDonald’s. Yes, I made my kids food. I can’t stand McDonald’s. I cook 4-5 times a week. I would love to eat out, but the food is so rich it tears my stomach up. Seriously. And it also costs a small fortune. Every now & then is nice. But we maybe eat out once a month. And yes, I’m guilty of picking up pizza. My kids could eat it everyday. 

I’m not a “helicopter” mom. I let my kids get hurt. In my opinion, they need to learn not do certain things. Now I don’t let them get seriously injured or at least not on purpose. Poo Bear was my injury prone kid. He’s had 9 stitches above his eye & had broke both of the bones on his right arm. Want to know how? Doing something stupid both times. I wasn’t there for either of injuries. I was at work. However, the story goes he was hoping from the recliner to the couch landed on Chin’s back and he threw him off to catch his eye (yeah I know) on the solid oak coffee table I used to have that’s how he ended up with 9 stitches above the eye. But wait it gets better, when he was in 1st grade he was “triple dog dared” to go up the monkey bars backwards (brilliant huh?) missed a bar and fell through the monkey bars and ended up breaking his arm. Btw, ER visits are expensive. Things happen to kids. If they fall off the swings.. Yeah there will be tears & probably a skinned knee, but they will live & learn from that experience. 

As I’ve gotten older my friends list has shrunk  to almost non existent. Younger me would be upset. Older me is like whatevahs. I have realized some people are just not meant to be in your life. I have a best friend, we don’t talk everyday, but when we get together it’s like we pick right up were we left off. I know she always is there for me & I am always there for her. Some days I wish I was more social. I have anxiety if I’m around a lot of people that I don’t know. I have learned to pace myself & it usually works out. Otherwise, I simply leave. I don’t have time for petty drama or he/she said crap. I just don’t. I don’t hold grudges (this was a hard lesson to learn). I just let it go. Life is too short to always be angry. 

I don’t make my children give hugs & kisses. To me this teaches boundaries. I don’t get upset when they don’t want to kiss me goodnight. They are usually upset with me, except Little Man. Half the time he just doesn’t want to. And that’s okay. There are also times he gives me hugs & kisses for no reason. I love it. My mother on the other hand tries to demand hugs & kisses. She gets upset with me when I tell the kids they don’t have to. I have noticed on social media parents videoing there child having a meltdown. Just stop it. What seems like not a big deal to you, it’s a huge deal to your child. Trust me my kids have had several meltdowns. And if I can’t get them to calm down, we simply leave. I don’t bust out my phone, my son usually has it anyways.. 

As I’m preparing for the birth of our new little one, I don’t have a nursery to set up. Why? They won’t be sleeping in there for several months. I haven’t really bought any clothes, I have no idea what I’m having. It will either be a boy or girl.. I have a coming home outfit for both. I don’t plan on having a baby shower. Most likely it would be given at my house = me having to clean it. I’m good. I have two little ones who don’t know what clean house means. They think it means lets drag out every toy we have. I am currently 32 weeks pregnant, I keep seeing on my pregnancy app that I have 8 weeks to go.. Reality is its probably more like 10 weeks. I have had one child that came on the due date. He’s 18 now. I don’t want to be induced unless I have to. Trust me, it takes even longer (at least for me it did). I have a feeling the baby will be here on Black Friday. 

I’m not the same mom I was to my oldest kids.   That doesn’t mean I love them any less or more. They are still my babies, no matter how tall they get (the oldest 3 are much taller than I). My word of advise for new/veteran mom’s & dad’s: You are your child’s parent, you know what’s best for them. Don’t let the Internet, your neighbor, friend, well-meaning family make you feel bad for any decisions you make about your child. 

Sorry for the lengthy blog.. I’ve been typing this up for over a week. 

Thanks for reading a snap shot in my life. 


Birthday Season

I love celebrating kids birthdays. Right now I am elbow deep in birthdays. We had Princess Z’s birthday last Saturday (she’s official teenager, pray for me), today we celebrated my little newphew’s first birthday (was kinda happy I wasn’t the host for a change), next weekend we have my stepson’s birthday he will be 16 years old, the next weekend is Little Man’s 2nd birthday, three days later is my birthday, and 10 days after my birthday is Chin’s birthday he will be 18 years old. After Chin’s birthday I breathe a sigh of relief.. No more birthday’s. Not for a while anyways. 

We are having a “gathering”type of birthday for my stepson. He has no idea we are doing a combined birthday. Meaning his mom & her family will be joining in on the celebration. We are having it at our house, am I nervous? A little. I’ve met some of his mom’s family but I don’t know them very well. I am cooking dinner for everyone. That’s easy for me, I’m used to cooking for a small army. I will be cooking a big pot of gumbo & having red beans & rice. His mom will be bringing cake. Hopefully all goes well & I don’t say anything stupid. 

Now Little Man’s birthday.. I was going to do a big birthday.. But I have decided not to. I honestly don’t feel like & he won’t care one way or another. I didn’t do a big birthday for O when she turned 2. I am thinking about making his favorite dinner & getting him a rather large cupcake. Done. 

My birthday. I don’t plan on doing anything. I’m just happy I made it another year. 

Chin’s 18th will be kinda like Mr. C’s birthday. I’m cooking his favorite dinner which will be bacon wrapped hot dogs & ribs with some mac & cheese, broccoli w/cheese, and some other side. And probably a cake from our favorite bakery. 

Hopefully, everything goes smoothly. And I can’t make through all of the birthdays. Prayers would be appreciated. 

Thanks for reading a snapshot into my life. 


Just Another Day

This week has been a trying week. O started preschool & is transitioning into Pre-K. I really thought Little Man would miss her. He didn’t. Not even a little. I don’t remember if my other kids went through the “terrible two’s” but I think I’m in the middle of it with Little Man. Today, being one of those “I can’t do it today” days. Doing any kind of shopping has become a nightmare. Today for example, shopping at Walmart. Steven decides to throw my phone (which is usually my saving grace while shopping) after I retrieve it, I put it in my purse. O decided she didn’t want to listen to me (I asked her to stay w/the basket) she was twirling & ran into some guy. After I take my phone Little Man proceeds to scream like I just beat him (thought about it, but didn’t) for a solid 20 minutes. It was to the point I couldn’t think straight. So, I abandon basket & left. I was done. I felt kinda bad for the Walmart worker that would have to put back my groceries. It was either that or have lots of witnesses watch a woman who is over 6 months pregnant lose her shit. Literally. So I chose the high rode. We left. Dinner tonight will likely be cereal. 

As I got in my vehicle it dawned on me. Tomorrow is the 4th year anniversary my dad passed away or as O knows it as her Grandaddy went to heaven. It’s all I could do not to cry. They say time heals a broken heart. In someways that’s true. But when certain dates hit, it’s like it happened all over again. August 5th is an extremely hard day for me, Father’s Day is another, and my dad’s birthday (September 12) all of those days are hard. You fight tears because you want to be strong, but when you love & miss someone so much.. You can’t help it. I miss my dad everyday. But the day he suddenly passed away, it’s the worst. Not only that tomorrow the older kids start school. So emotional day all around & oh yeah I’m pregnant so it’s a little worse. Say some prayers for me tomorrow, I know I will need them. 

Thanks for reading a snapshot in my life. 
